
Neurofeedback: A Promising Approach for Trauma Healing

There is increasing recognition that unresolved trauma underpins many mental health problems. A range of treatments have flourished to promote healing from trauma, with talk therapy and medication being well known. However, there is another type of therapy that requires no pharmacological drugs and no need to revisit painful memories. In this article, we will […]

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Polyvagal Theory Explained (& 18 Exercises & Resources)

Ongoing research suggests that a better understanding of the vagus nerve could revolutionize how we treat various physical and mental health conditions, including epilepsy, obesity, inflammatory disorders, depression, and anxiety (Wade, 2023; Neuhuber & Berthoud, 2022). Not only that, but according to the polyvagal theory, lowering “autonomic states that support threat reactions” and boosting ones

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Understanding Mental Health Stigma: 17 Ways to Reduce It

Have you ever been scarred by a damaging label? If so, you know the discomfort, shame, and dehumanization that occurs. Labeling others separates people based on actual or perceived differences. The stigma associated with being labeled aims at one’s identity and divides us and them. The label linked to certain assumptions lingers, impacting impressions of

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Mirror Neurons and the Neuroscience of Empathy

Groundbreaking research in the 1990s discovered that “mirror neurons” fire whether monkeys perform an activity themselves or observe others engaging in it (Rizzolatti & Fabbri-destro, 2010). In the decades since, studies suggest humans also have mirror neurons, and they are fundamental to what it means to be human (Penagos-Corzo et al., 2022). In fact, neuroscience

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Healthy Coping Mechanisms: 9 Adaptive Strategies to Try

Have you ever watched in amazement as a family member or acquaintance overcame seemingly insurmountable obstacles with strength and courage? Coping with life’s challenges is what epic history is made of. Abraham Lincoln overcame crippling depression – then called melancholia – to become President of the United States. What choices did Lincoln make that changed

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How to Overcome Fear of Abandonment: 6 Helpful Worksheets

As humans, we depend on others for survival. Starting from birth, the need to be fed, bathed, clothed, sheltered and cared for is essential for survival and optimal function. Because healthy human development requires physical and emotional care, fear of abandonment can result from unmet needs in either childhood or adulthood (Fraley, 2019). The impact

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The Benefits of Kindness: How Simple Acts of Generosity Improve Your Health and Happiness

The Science-Backed Benefits of Practicing Kindness Daily As leading positive psychology researcher Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky expresses in her book The How of Happiness, “Being kind and generous leads to healthier relationships and greater happiness.” Extensive research demonstrates how even small, regular acts of kindness and generosity can profoundly enhance happiness, health, and social connections. This article will

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