Does Your Reality Depend Upon Your Thoughts?

Swami Vivekananda quote on enLiven Wellness Coaching chalkboard reading, "We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far."

In this article:

“We are what our thoughts have made us; so Swami Vivekananda quote on enLiven Wellness Coaching chalkboard reading, "We are what our thoughts have made us; so take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far."
take care about what you think. Words are secondary. Thoughts live; they travel far.” – Swami Vivekananda

As I contemplated this quote, I began to expand upon the idea that our persistent thoughts become us. We actually create our reality by thinking our thoughts. Thoughts about ourselves, thoughts about our family and friends, thoughts about our community and the world. Our thoughts become our words and our actions, and if we think them enough they become our norm.

What are your thoughts?

Do your thoughts tell you the world is unsafe?

Do they tell you that people can’t be trusted?

Do they tell you that you’ve been around sick people and you are getting sick?

What else do they tell you?


Are people basically good and you trust until proven otherwise (and even then understand that whatever has caused you to lose trust is a reflection of the other person’s reality not yours)?

Are you surrounded by amazing people in their own right? Even in your differences they are thoughtful and well meaning.

Are you grateful that you can slow down when you feel a bit worn down and you stay healthy despite the bugs going around? (I haven’t been sick in years other than sniffles here and there and I swear I’ve willed myself healthy.)

I am guessing that if you have read these scenarios, you are able to put yourself in one category or another. Most likely, if you find yourself reading the bottom three and find yourself saying, “yeah, but”, you are in the top group.

My question is this… If you were able to choose your ideal, what would it be? Secondarily, can you change your perspective?

Of course, I say of course. You choose your thoughts. You give power to the ones you want to believe. Even when things that happen support a more negative worldview, you have the power to reframe it.

Can bad sh*t happen for reasons that are good?

I think yes, but of course, that’s the way I see it. If I thought about all the bad that happened in my life was just purposeless, bad luck, or even worse, for my punishment, I might see things differently. But if I did, I wouldn’t be writing this right now. In fact, a great many things would be different, including the world.


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    419/665 1548  •  [email protected]

 enVision. engage. enLīven.

Mindfulness • Creating Healthful Habits • Overcoming Limits

Well-Being and Performance Life Coaching for Mind, Body, and Spirit


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