The PERMA Model: A Scientific Approach to Well-Being

Being well is not merely living in the absence of misery. Understand the five core elements of psychological well-being known by the acronym PERMA, Positive emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Understanding these elements in your life offers perspective to move towards a life of greater fulfillment, happiness, and purposeful living.

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High-Functioning Autism: 23 Strengths-Based Daily Worksheets

Autism diagnoses are rising exponentially. A study by Russell et al. (2022) reported a 787% increase in UK diagnoses between 1998 and 2018. Similarly, 1 in 36 8-year-old children were diagnosed autistic in the USA in 2023 (Maenner et al., 2023). High-functioning autism is characterized by neurodevelopmental differences in sensory processing, executive function, communication, and

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Type B Personality Advantages: Stress Less, Achieve More

Type B personalities, known for their relaxed, patient, and easygoing nature, offer unique advantages in both personal and professional contexts. There are myriad benefits to being a Type B individual, whose lower stress levels contribute to overall greater life satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of a Type B personality,

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Breaking Generational Trauma With Positive Psychology

Generational trauma, the enduring legacy of past adversities that reverberates through familial lines, presents profound challenges to mental and emotional wellbeing. Within the realm of therapeutic interventions, positive psychology emerges as an underexplored yet potent tool for breaking this cycle of inherited pain. By leveraging the principles of positive psychology, individuals navigating generational trauma can

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Urge Surfing: How Riding the Wave Breaks Bad Habits

We all experience cravings, sometimes daily. For some, it might be chocolate, caffeine, or social connection, while for others, it can be more serious, including gambling, out-of-control spending, alcohol abuse, or the use of illicit drugs (Harris et al., 2017; Bowen & Marlatt, 2009). While often benign, cravings can result in unhealthy, potentially damaging behaviors

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Anxious Attachment Style: What It Is (+ Its Hidden Strengths)

In the realm of human relationships, attachment styles shape our perceptions of intimacy and emotional fulfillment. Anxious attachment style, a type of insecure attachment characterized by a relentless emotional hunger for connection, offers a lens through which we can explore the intricate dance between longing and fear within the realm of relationships. As we navigate

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Cultivating Emotional Literacy in Adults

Emotional literacy, the ability to understand, express, and manage emotions effectively, is a critical skill for adults in both personal and professional contexts. This article delves into the importance of emotional literacy, highlighting its role in fostering healthier relationships, improving communication, and enhancing overall wellbeing. By exploring practical strategies for developing emotional literacy, we aim

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