How Your Emotional Scars Can Make You More

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Emotional Scars Quote on enliven wellness Life Coaching Chalkboard by Todd Smith Blissfield Life Coach ToledoYour scars don’t make you less.

In fact, they can make you more. They show that you’ve lived life. You survived. Now you are ready to thrive.

If you think about a scar, it is an injury that was once open and raw. But look at it now. There it is, a miraculous regeneration of cells creating this amazing relic of past wounds now healed. Are you ever the same? No. It has changed you, but it is up to you how you are changed by it. You can look down at the scar and relive pain and trauma of that moment or you can choose to wonder in the forces that created this new growth, practically before your eyes.

Imbalance prevents wounds from healing. They fester and infect. But, you get to choose. You always get to choose. You never have to forget the wound, but you always have to heal it to thrive. Just consider the idea that the more scars you carry, the more you have been opened up to understanding the wounds others have suffered and offer opportunity to help others heal.

What are dark moments but times to pause and create our own light. If we use our dark moments, our hurts, to reflect on our vulnerabilities and unrealistic expectations and empower ourselves to expand, we can literally create any reality we wish. Darkness, inevitably, is as much a part of life as the light, but we can give so much more meaning to the light when it emerges from the dark.

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