All of the Labels You’ve Been Given Don’t Have to Stick
Any labels you deal with that seem excessively “sticky” and hard to detach from

who you really are? I often hear people say, “I’m so ADD”. Remember that labels are human constructs. They are a part
of language to describe characteristics and they carry a certain energy very much defining who we are as individuals. For example, the label of “schizophrenia” often puts citizens of western cultures on heavy anti-psychotic medication and often under extremely restrictive care, yet the same characteristics given a positive label in many traditional cultures are nurtured and considered a gift of connecting the individual to a higher consciousness . Whatever label you have stuck to your self, consider how you might be using it as a crutch or an excuse for stepping into your power. Next time you consider your labels as faults, also try to find the ways in which they actually help you.