Fear pops up a lot in the midst of making significant life

changes, whether it is a fear of failure, a fear of rejection, a fear of the unknown. It is interesting to note that the Bible addresses the need to “fear not” more than 300 times. Do you think it has been a significant barrier throughout the ages? I’d say so.
When we follow that paths of life that are laid out before us, we come to crossroads that present different courses. Sometimes they force us to abandon the current trail, other times the trail offers many forks. When we come to these diverging pathways, it helps to take stock of our values and vision for life. Who are we and what do we stand for? What sparks our passion for life? It can be quite a challenge to step off of that beaten path to one guarded by brambles, branches and rocks, but facing the directions of your dreams.
It can take considerable faith, determination, structure and support to makes choices aligned to your hopes and dreams, but I believe in the human spirit and love doing what I do because I am witness daily to everyday people making extraordinary choices cutting a path true freedom.
Tell me about the trails you’ve blazed or the crossroad you are preparing to navigate.