In this article:

I will admit that I have always been a gotta-see-it-to-believe-it

Anatole France quote on enLiven Wellness Life Coaching chalkboard reading, "To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe." enliven wellness life coaching Toledo. Life Coach Todd Smith Blissfield
“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.” – Anatole France

kind of guy. Makes sense, right? Actually, most of us probably are to varying degrees. I have come to understand the opposite of that. If you want to see something in life, you have to believe it is possible first. There is great potential in our thoughts, visions, and dreams. I am not talking about manifesting a big lottery windfall, but I have seen the power in changing mindset. When our mental habits are around self-doubt, first of all, because of confirmation bias, we notice all of the examples that support such beliefs. Moreover, our actions align to supporting that belief. Does it make it true? YES! (As long as we believe it to be so.) Can we change that truth? YES! (As long as we believe something different is true.)

Thoughts and Actions Create Our Reality

You have probably had the experience people asking if everything is ok when you are feeling down. You are carrying yourself in such a way that your inner experience is noticeable to the outside world. You may have also had the experience of “pulling it back together” to go out in public. You suck it up  throw your shoulders back and stand up straight. Did you ever notice that you actually feel better, even for the shortest time, but you do. There is something to be said for the fake-it-til-you-make-it effect, but it takes consistent effort to change deeply ingrained mental habits that support long-standing beliefs, particularly negative beliefs. It is often said that it takes seven to ten positive affirmations to counteract one negative. On top of that, if you don’t believe in the affirmation, it carries significantly less power.

Oh, and by the way, it isn’t magic (well maybe a little).

You can’t cast magic spells on other people to do what you want them to just by believing it. But on the plus side, and I believe this wholeheartedly, when you align your thoughts and action toward your goals, purpose, vision, mission, dream, whatever, people begin to populate your life that have similar  goals, purposes, visions, missions, dreams, whatevers. Some people believe that the energy we put out attracts those of similar energy. I can’t argue that and like to believe that myself. What I do know is that confirmation bias again comes into play. When we believe these positive things, we start to look for ways to support our theory. Does it make it true? YES! (As long as we believe it to be so.)

Start By Taking Inventory

What situations and limiting beliefs about you are you perpetuating in your thoughts and actions? List them. Prioritize them. Pay attention every day when you think a thought that confirms that bias and then change that thought. Start your day by telling yourself what your life is like when you stop believing that which keeps you from your best. When you catch yourself reinforcing the old, gently remind yourself of the new paradigm. You will soon find that you have truly impacted your daily thoughts and actions. This isn’t to say you won’t have doubts along the way, particularly when you need to take a step into new territory. That is just the old shreds of habit holding on. In those moments, it often takes a significant action to tilt the table toward growth. But there is no reason you can’t when you know that you can.

I can tell you from my own personal experience and the experience of my friends, colleagues and clients that this is true (of course, this could just be confirmation bias).

Share your experiences with me.

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