In this article:

Where is the breakdown between knowing what we know and

Quote on enLiven Wellness Life Coaching chalkboard reading, "Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." - Bruce Lee. enliven wellness life coaching Toledo. Life Coach Todd Smith Blissfield
“Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do.” – Bruce Lee

turning that gift of knowledge into application? What is it that will turn our willingness to take action into the act that moves us forward?

I am trying to become more aware of those moments that I say, “I know”, but have not done anything about “it”. Sometimes I find it breaks down to prioritization. I just not put the thought yet into execution. Probably more often though, there is an element of fear that taps me on the shoulder. It is so easy to tuck the idea away at the first inkling of discomfort. I find that the fear is often around unknown outcomes (but isn’t that the nature of trying anything new?) It has helped me to reframe the fear of the unknown outcome into an experiment. It totally appeals to the scientist in me. What is the risk/reward ratio? What variables could change the outcome and in what ways? The strongest entrepreneurs and investors in the world know and apply personal algorithms for maximizing the upside and minimizing the down. I have a personal perspective that decisions made with good intent will ultimately work out if we are open to learning from the experience.

What would you do if your action was a no lose proposition?

How would it change your life? This is a very powerful question. Think about your life if you have the knowledge and you have the willingness to take an important action, whatever it is, and you choose not to. How does life look for you in a year? In five years? Ten? You will probably envision life as not so much different than it is now other than being older. The situations you now find yourself in will probably appear in your future projection.

Now consider that you have taken the step. How can you see life evolving? Think about it as if in your wildest fantasies. Now think about the mediocre version. Ok, so what if it didn’t work? Do any of those outcomes put you in precarious position, worse off than now? I really can’t answer that question for you, but I think that in your gut you know the answers. I challenge you to step into the powerful being that you are. Be the exception to the rule that says accept the mediocrity of the things as they are. You KNOW what to DO.

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