Goal setting app provides users with levels of support to make positive life change through coaching
If you have read my About Me page, you have seen some of my vehicles for client engagement. One of the most exciting is Coach.Me (@Coachdotme). Formerly goal achieving app Lift, Coach.me has evolved into a personal coaching-centered platform to guide and inform community members with consultants who have experienced success in his or her area of mentoring.
Unless you are already and ascended master, you must have areas of life that you would like to improve. Whether a behavior you would like to extinguish or positive habit you would like to develop, chances are good that you will find an awesome coach on Coach.me. Do you want to stop smoking? Develop a habit of writing? Get your inbox under control? Take the NOBNOM challenge? (Look it up, my mom will probably read this. #awkward). Whatever it is, you can find a specialist to guide you toward achieving your goal.
Personally, I have found a number of successes using CEO, Tony Stubblebine’s (@TonyStubblebine) most recent vision for self-empowerment. I lost 20 pounds of body fat and added muscle by creating a habit of fitness, as well as implementing the slow-carb diet from Tim Ferriss’s (@TFerriss) 4-Hour Body. I have successfully instilled other habits in the areas of health and wellness (meditation, prayer, daily gratitude), and personal productivity (focused work in the morning, setting daily priorities).

I would love the opportunity to empower my friends and readers (assuming some day there will be a distinction between the two). Check out my Coach.me profile to discover more details on my coaching specialties of building habits of health and wellness, including diet, exercise, meditation, and prayer. Whether I can serve you or you find another coach that best meets your need, the Coach.me model offers 1:1 chat, phone consultation, and written coaching plans that guide users with daily direction. As with the original Lift app, users can still utilize community support and goal tracking at no cost.
Readers, I would love to hear your successes and challenges as you have taken on goals in your lives. What are some of the personal goals you have reached after committing? Are there any habits that you still struggle to overcome? Leave your feedback below or on Facebook or Twitter.
*As something of an ending note, the purpose of this post is to introduce myself as a Coach.me coach and give exposure to the Coach.me platform. I plan to write future columns that elaborate on some of the ideas around goal setting presented here.